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Everything You Need To Know
About Beekeeping Basics Explained In Plain English
My goal in this post is to help people discover Beekeeping Basics and understand the incredible world of bees.
Especially with those who are just thinking about keeping bees for the first time.
 “How do I get started?” And get everything needed to begin their first successful hive, simply, quickly, easily enjoyably!
I wasn’t always a beekeeper; in fact, I had to start from absolute scratch, and had some big troubles.
I didn’t know the first thing about keeping bees, and it was painfully confusing.  I didn’t know if my location was ok for keeping bees, I didn’t know what supplies to buy, or how to get bees into an empty hive. I was even clueless about what a hive was supposed to look like.

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I knew nothing.  And honestly I felt embarrassed to ask Basic Beekeeping questions.  Plus, I wasn’t sure who to ask, and searching around the library, online and at book stores got more and more frustrating.
The books I did find were technical and over my head, even the ones that said they were simple.  Don’t get me wrong, “technical” information is great for someone who already has a firm grasp of Beekeeping Basics.  But reading a technical book as a total beginner is a pretty tough start.

I just wanted to know how to start beekeeping, not get hung up in the advanced details.  I want to help you skip that frustration and start beekeeping from the absolute beginning in a fun and easy way.
And if you’re like most people you need to know the Beekeeping Basics, first.
And you’d be totally right to want the basics first.  After keeping hives and gaining experience, I realize that the basics are the most important thing.  The basics of bee keeping will build the foundation for healthy hives, year after year.

Without the basics, you can find yourself overwhelmed in brain-busting technical information. And that can cause you to overlook critical steps in setting up your first hives.  I paid dearly for some of my mistakes, and sadly so did my bees, I want you to avoid these mistakes and maintain healthy, happy hives.
Most people need Beekeeping Basics presented to them in an easy to understand, logical, and practical format so they can actually use what they learn.
And you often learn Beekeeping Basics better by having someone actually show you how to set up a hive, instead of just reading text on the pages of a book.

It took over an entire year to simply film it because it makes sense to break down the entire process of beekeeping by each season and show them to you while they were actually happening.  Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter.  A big process!

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