Sending payment for services | Brad Wheller - WUBB

Sending payment for services | Brad Wheller - WUBB   

Soon we will be rolling out a new marketing tool that will take eight hours of your marketing time down to one hour and this will be completely automated. With a few clicks of your computer mouse, enter in your information and let the Internet automation take over. One of the easiest and most cost effective way to operate a business is through automation. Another fantastic vehicle to help you explode your business or help you start up a new opportunity is with Smash. 

Smash Your Competition' is an essential 'Next Gen' Marketing Hub for business owners who want to quickly explode their businesses using the highest level , state-of-the-art tools available today! Discover how SMASH will propel business owners into 21st century communication. 

Completely unique in the market, SMASH provides the most cutting edge, innovative and powerful online marketing communication advantage of any business tool available today! And best of all, business owners can now drive all marketing efforts through one central HUB! 

Our unique 'Next-Gen' contact manager will automatically attach all calendars, tasks, notes, documents, messages, phone calls, history and other pertinent information to every contact within your SMASH database. Each contact will also be assigned to a group and a network allowing you to quickly find and interact with your contacts. 

Our integrated calendar acts as your one-stop center for coordinating all appointments, meetings and important business events. 

Your SMASH taskbar allows you to customize, prioritize, and edit your daily schedule easily and efficiently with an effective auto-reminder feature.. 

With SMASH notes, you can keep track of your important thoughts and integrate them into any other component 

Campaign Manager
This powerful and comprehensive campaign manager synthesizes and integrates all of your video email marketing campaigns under one centralized system. 

Video Email Platform Hotlink
The SMASH Video hotlink gives you just-in-time integration to instantaneous video email creation allowing you personalized face-to face communications wherever and whenever you need it. Additionally, SMASH Video Email will be stocked with pre-recorded video email messages for every imaginable life event and special occasion. Used in conjunction with our powerful calendar feature, these Video emails are a great way to keep the personal component in your business relationships alive and healthy.

Our every day lives are filled with distractions, the dish washer broke, the car will not start, can't locate the car keys, someone is in the hospital, to many appointments and no time, on and on. Well you get the idea.

With our SMASH program mentioned above there is little or no worries reduce eight hours of computer work down to under two, with our 95% automated features. 

SMASH is certainly no laughing matter. But SMASH would create more time to laugh longer, laugh louder and laugh healthier. 

Would you like you like to work more efficiently? Work less hours? Have less work stress? Earn a greater profit? Of course you would. SMASH would help you do all of those things and more, much more. 

Check SMASH  Sign up. Can you imagine nearly seventeen streams of income! Help your business. Save yourself time too. SMASH is free. Totally free.

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